Our New Ministers

Meet Rev. Kit Novotny and Rev. Nate Klug, our new co-ministers as of August 1, 2022

Our Mission & Vision

Read our statement of Values, Mission, and Vision

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Welcome to First Parish in Lincoln! We are so glad you are interested in joining us for worship or one of our many programs. 

We are an open and welcoming community church with roots in both the Congregational and Unitarian traditions. Over the years we have developed our own unique form of worship that makes room for people of many religious backgrounds or none at all. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

We meet for worship every Sunday from September to June at 10:00AM in our Sanctuary located at 4 Bedford Road, (Google map) across the street from Lincoln Library. Fill out our Digital Connect Card below or contact us to learn more!


About Us

With roots in the Unitarian and Congregational traditions, the First Parish in Lincoln (FPL) celebrates many theologies and spiritual beliefs. We advocate inclusion and respect for all people. We gather each Sunday for worship at 10 a.m. During Sunday worship, we offer church school for school-aged children as well as nursery care for toddlers and preschoolers. Following worship, we come together at “coffee hour,” an ideal time to meet the minister and members of the congregation, as well as get information about the church.

Throughout the year, we rejoice in marking the changing seasons.  Our celebrations range from a water communion welcoming all in September; winter concerts, solstice and Christmas Eve services, and children’s pageant in December; to the annual publication of a Lenten booklet filled with personal submissions from parishioners and the celebration of Easter in the spring.

The community of First Parish draws many members.  Whether encountering friends and neighbors on Sunday, volunteering in the church school, or working on committees and service projects, our members and friends embrace the collective whole, recognizing that we are not alone, that we are part of a strong and supportive community.

Parishioners are instrumental in helping to run the church. While there is a core staff in place to provide the essentials, our members and friends come together to support the church in whatever way they are able.  In addition to financial support, this can include arranging flowers for the pulpit, serving on a committee, teaching Sunday School, or helping with a special event.

First Parish members support one another and the greater community. Our Outreach Committee works on volunteer projects and identifies non-profit organizations in need of our support. We offer a meditation group, pastoral care, church choir, and more.  Regular camaraderie and support are offered through small group ministry for varying age ranges.  If you have an interest, there is an avenue to pursue it at FPL!

If you would like more information about becoming a member of the church, contact the Welcoming Committee at welcoming@fplincoln.org