Join FPL’s Racial Justice Journey.

Racial Justice Advocates

For centuries, the legacy and enduring reality of racism has wrought devastation on communities of color. It is the responsibility of faith communities to speak to these issues with specificity and promote action that will bring about a more equitable society. With this in mind, FPL’s Racial Justice Advocates have three key objectives: LEARNGIVE, and ACT.

  • LEARN: RJA facilitates educational and challenging conversations about racism and its impacts and provides resources for individual and communal learning.
  • GIVE: RJA partners with organizations that are doing antiracist work to provide concrete support for these efforts.
  • ACT: RJA organizes direct actions (both individual and collective) that promote justice and the dismantling of racist policies in our society.

Our current members are Mary Gaylord, Ken Hurd, Joan Kimball, Mary Helen Lorenz, Barbara Slayter, Mary Jo Veling, and Sarah Klockowski.

We would to hear your ideas for ways we can collectively learn, give, and act for racial justice! Email us at

Upcoming RJA Events


Annotated Book List

Are you looking for a book to further your understanding of the experiences of African Americans and the reality of systemic racism in the United States?

RJA has developed an annotated book list just for you. We have selected books based on recommendations, and we have been reading them.  While all the nonfiction books are recent (this century), the novels range in date from 1937 to today, and include some classics and some new authors.

It is a sampling, a start.

In the upcoming months, we hope that parishioners will write tiny reviews of books they have especially liked.

Racial Justice Films

Those of you who have attended any of our racial justice film screenings and discussions this year may have discovered that you have increased your depth of understanding about systemic racism in so many aspects of our society.  If you want to expand your knowledge and learn more about Latinx, Indigenous and Black lives, their histories and the injustices that they have endured, we are suggesting a number of documentaries and feature films listed in the link below.

The First Parish Racial Justice Advocates have not reviewed all the films on this list, but we believe that most of them have been produced by respected organizations, such as PBS, or have received acclaim from reputable sources. We have included a synopsis or description of each of these films, the length and information about how you can view them at home. Enjoy and let us know what your think about ones that you watch!