Religious Exploration for Children, Youth, and Families
We welcome you and your family into ours. First Parish is a place where we can all grow and learn together. We look to explore spirituality in a variety of meaningful ways while having a lot of fun together by offering programs that build community, character, empathy, and an awareness of social justice. Join us for RE anytime!
Religious Exploration Program: New Programming and Volunteer Opportunities!
We’re growing! We’ve been working hard this summer to expand our Religious Exploration (RE) offerings to meet our growing numbers. So, our fall calendar will look a bit different than it has in the recent past! We’ll be offering exciting programs for 4 specific age groups – babies & toddlers aged 0-5 years, children in grades K-2, children in grades 3-5, and for youth aged 13-18 years! Additional programs and activities for families will also be offered outside of Sunday mornings by our new Family Connections Committee. We’ll have many engaging opportunities for fun, learning, spiritual exploration and social action! Details will be posted soon on the FPL RE website.
- Help us plan by registering your children HERE for the RE program now!
- Make sure you’re signed up for Friday RE Blasts, which include important information & reminders. You can sign up on the FPL Breeze system HERE.
Many volunteer opportunities! With all the activities we’re offering, we’re going to need more help from all of you! Join a class one weekend; lead a food drive at Donelan’s; help with the Advent workshop; lead the pageant! There is something for everyone! CLICK HERE to sign up.
Please contact Lora Venesy at with any questions!
Latest RE News
Open & Welcoming at First Parish
She/Her, He/Him, They/Them. Us.
Religious Exploration at First Parish in Lincoln
Nursery Care (Children ages 0-5)
Babies and younger children are welcomed into our Nursery with professional staff members and trained helpers who offer fun, tactile projects that build small and large motor skills, as well as social skills. Children may be dropped off at 9:30 and picked up at 11:30am.
Children 6+
Older children are invited to begin in church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, to listen to a Time for All Ages (a message for children & youth), then walk up the hill to the Parish House, where we will learn and have fun! The group participates in project-based activities that build self-awareness, kindness, and community. Many activities and projects are built on social action themes and/or targeted projects that vary from week to week. It’s a fun, energetic atmosphere, & our goal is to build relationships with each other and church members who often offer special programs, such as bell choir, yoga, bread making, etc.
Our Whole Lives
First Parish is happy to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a reputable fact-based sexuality education program children and youth at First Parish and the surrounding community. We have classes for three levels (K-2, 5th grade, and 8th grade). OWL is an engaging, age-appropriate curriculum providing information about relationships, communication and hygiene, as well as gender identity, digital safety, consent, and other sexual health topics. Registration and parent orientation are required prior to enrollment. For more information, contact
Special Events for Families
FPL offers monthly events and opportunities for families to connect. Look for announcements about upcoming events, such as family service day, movie nights, potlucks and more. For additional information, contact Abby Adams or Elizabeth Kelly.
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