After a heavy year last year with many meetings, the Parish Committee decided to meet on an as-needed basis over the summer.  We had two such meetings.

On August 4th, the primary business was to approve an expanded budget for the LiveStream Committee. That committee is working to enhance our video broadcast capabilities from the Sanctuary.  Once we have the new technology in place, we will be able to stream a higher quality video signal (including the wonderful music) than we are able to through Zoom.  Most of us are looking forward to being back in the Sanctuary, but we have added members to our community, some from afar, that are better able to join with us remotely. We want to make sure that everyone that wants to can be a part of a high quality service from the Sanctuary.  Working with a consultant that specializes in these matters, we find that the technology is more expensive than we had originally thought, hence the expanded budget.  Of course, the Parish Committee and the LiveStream Committee will be doing our best to ensure that our resources are spent wisely and efficiently.

On September 2nd, the primary business was to be briefed on recommendations from the Reopening Task Force.  After a thorough discussion, the Parish Committee voted to endorse the recommendations from the committee.  Those recommendations, concerning how we will hold services and other church activities this fall, will be distributed separately.

The Committee’s first regularly scheduled meeting of the fall will be September 15th.  Soon thereafter we will post minutes from our meetings (including the two summer meetings) on the First Parish website.

For the Parish Committee
Chris Andrysiak, Chair

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