Dear Ones, I just love the work that I do for First Parish in Lincoln. Considering the spiritual needs of families, children, and youth is interesting and rewarding. It’s been interesting during my time here… it’s only been three years – with half that time in pandemic. We’re at the cusp of another year that’s not quite “normal” and the staff and lay-leaders have been meeting and planning. We hope you’re as ready to get back into the swing of things as we are!

REGISTRATION IS OPEN!  for our 2021-2022 church year of RE.  We need interested families to SIGN UP NOW… REGISTER HERE.

RE goes beyond Sunday mornings. By registering with us, you are indicating your interest in staying informed about our events and activities (Sunday mornings, classes for kids, hikes, apple picking, community service, Advent Workshop, Pageant, etc.). That’s it. Though we’d love for it to be a guarantee you’ll attend everything, that’s unrealistic. Registration makes sure you have all the information and you get some essential forms out of the way so you don’t have to bother each time you attend something. PLEASE SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE PROGRAM DETAILS – about what we’re offering, how, when. It’s just too much to include here!

BE AN OWL TEACHER! First Parish in Lincoln has the honor to have been chosen for a Boston-area OWL FACILITATOR TRAINING. The training is the weekend of October 15th (Friday evening; all-day Saturday; Sunday until 2pm). AS OF RIGHT NOW, FPL HAS NO OWL FACILITATORS! Our beloved, long-time facilitators have moved on to other projects and can no longer teach for us. Please let me know if you or someone you know might be willing to be trained and to teach OWL this year! I’ll have your back every step of the way! Teachers of all genders are needed, so PLEASE APPLY!  (this is really quite urgent!)

The Youth Programs Committee needs two more folks to join the fun and adventure of planning RE. This includes considering what families need and helping the DRE shape the program and helping to coordinate some of the fun activities we have throughout the year (think: baking, setting up tables, buying grapes).

Weekly Blessing – for beginnings

Bless us as we begin again;
Work, school, activities, church!
As we move about our days and nights,
Bless us with your love and care.

This year, we’ll move from Weekly Prayers for… to Weekly Blessings for… Blessings are slightly different from prayers. A prayer is like a conversation between you and the divine. You are asking (for help or forgiveness) or praising (giving thanks or being awed) and letting the divine – God, Spirit, Universe – know how you feel or what you need.

Blessings are not quite as direct… they are a request for the spirit to come and be with us for… some reason. Or to be with someone we love.  They feel a bit more general.  “Guide me…” rather than, “Give me…” When I offer my children a blessing before they leave the house, it feels like I’m saying a magic spell… all my love goes with them and I call upon the Greater Love to go with them, too. I bless them to surround them with Light.

Blessings to you!


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