And…. they’re off! May is Kentucky Derby month and I’ve got the iconic trumpet blast stuck in my head. (

At this point, we’re in the home stretch of what has been an extraordinary year… and we’re going to finish strong. There are outside worship services to look forward to, other outside activities and events, Zoom classes, small groups are meeting. All good things.

This is not the year to care much if we come in first or last, still running hard or walking over the line, breaking track records or not. This is a year to appreciate how we showed up for each other. It’s about how we stayed engaged. We can point to all the ways we got creative. Despite the track being muddied by the pandemic, we have run a good race.

We ran the race in a way that sustained us as individuals and as a community of faith.

With just a few lengths to go, let’s keep our pace hopeful and get across the finish line. Together.


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