This has been a most unusual year of religious education.  One thing we have learned is that RE doesn’t have to take place on Sunday mornings in a classroom.  Focusing on helping families bring spiritual nurturing, moral development, and religious learning into the home has been very rewarding.  I want to take a moment to thank the team who has been so supportive of this RE work… the YPC – Terry Green, Joan Mansfield, Elizabeth Robbat-Kelly, Hannah Stevenson, Hannah Bureau, Anna Bishop, and Jean Welsh.

As we move forward and begin imagining church in a post-Covid world, the YPC and I are not thinking in terms of “getting back to normal” or “getting back together”.  Our eyes are fixed on the future.  Sure, there are some things we did before Covid which we might choose to bring forward, and there are some things we developed in response to Covid which we’ll keep.  And there are some things which we haven’t thought of yet.  There are no assumptions about what lies ahead.  On March 13, 2020, our world broke open in so many ways… it’s time to begin building a new one.  Together.


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