For the past three years, our congregation has been engaged in an impressive number of discussions and gatherings designed to help FPL prepare for the search for our next settled minister.  As a spiritual community, we gathered for conversations to promote healing and understanding.  We explored and shared much about our individual spirituality.  The long arc of our discussions shaped an ever-clearer picture of a collective First Parish identity.  The evolution of our conversations allowed us, a community of individuals with diverse beliefs and philosophies, to craft and embrace a set of shared Value, Mission & Vision statements.

These statements have already provided direction for the first set of Strategic Planning discussions and are serving as an important guide for the Search Committee.  Our inspirational Vision will steer our path as a church going forward.

Last spring, the Transition Team brought its work to a close and began the poignant task of gathering and summarizing the discussions and learning from the last three years of our interim period.  As we reread and relived each conversation, we were struck and moved by your unflagging engagement, sincere honesty, and depth of thought.  Thank you.

The Transition Team Summary Report gathers all our prior reports, from the first Listening Circles to the most recent Strategic Planning Roundtables.

As importantly, the Summary identifies valuable lessons learned and additional opportunities for meaningful discussions within First Parish.

We encourage you to read the full report.  Appreciate the development of our learning, the depth of our discovery and the opportunities for further growth.

The Transition Team Summary Report can be found here: DOWNLOAD REPORT.  Additionally, a hard copy will be mailed to each household in the coming weeks.

With gratitude,

Gina Halsted, for the FPL Transition Team

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