The Ark has arrived! And is the capper on the playground refurbishment project led by Peter Sugar and the Facilities Committee and cheered on by the Youth Programs Committee.
This summer, the dangerous structures were removed, the ground prepared, and a wonderfully thick carpet of wood chips put down. Then a hillside slide was installed and a bright saucer swing added. A volunteer corps of weeders began the work of tidying up (Elizabeth, Abby, Caitlin, Adam, Terry…).
On Monday at high-noon, the Ark sailed onto the playground from PA! It is the crowning jewel of the project. It’s a structure that invites imaginative play and large muscle activity. There are three decks, a climbing wall, a slide, and monkey bars.
Spring 2021, we’ll be asking folks to help paint the sides of the Ga-ga Gazebo, do some more weeding, and share some perennials from their gardens to create a more garden-like ring along the fence.
This is exciting news especially for the children of FPL and the Lincoln community. Please help me thank all those who made it possible. THANK YOU!!!
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