As we approach the mid-point or our second transition year, we are at the time to create a Search Committee that will select and engage a new settled minister. This next step of forming a Search Committee requires thought and involvement from the whole congregation.
The last Search Committee was appointed by the Parish Committee in keeping with our Bylaws and prior practice. This year, the PC has met with consultants from both the UCC and UUA, Rev. Rankin and the Transition Team, and reviewed several successful selection methods from other churches. Following these deliberations, we are presenting First Parish with a blended model that will recommend a Settled Minister Search Committee for a vote at Annual Meeting of First Parish that have several members nominated by the congregation and several appointed by the Parish Committee.
The Plan
Our goal as a congregation is to be in a position to elect a seven-member (7) Search Committee at the Annual Meeting in June. Candidates for this important position should possess the following characteristics:
• Committed to and actively involved in the church through membership, presence at worship, committee/community participation and financial support;
• Willing to make this responsibility a high priority;
• Trusted and respected by the congregation;
• Open-minded with a positive attitude (no grudges nor personal agenda);
• A sense of integrity and respect for others;
• Ability to maintain absolute confidentiality;
• Capacity to listen, to participate in a group, and to come to consensus.
The committee members will be selected as follows:
· Four (4) members will be nominated by the voting members of the congregation via popular vote. Nominations will be received though an online survey with paper ballots available for those who require them.
· Three (3) members will be nominated by the Parish Committee. This process allows the PC to balance the Search Committee with individuals who can represent constituencies of the church that the popular vote may have missed.
· Following this nomination process, those with the greatest number of votes will be asked to confirm their willingness to serve. The next in line will be queried should the need present until the slate is full.
· All seven (7) candidates will stand for election at the annual meeting.
Important Considerations
Only voting members of the Church will be able to take part in this selection process and the vote at the Annual Meeting. Please verify your membership status, if you are in doubt.
The candidates with the most popular votes, who are willing to serve, will become the nominees.
The selection will take place in middle March.
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