Fee Schedule

Facility Fees for Holding an Event or Meeting


Room Capacity Rate for 4-hour block Additional hours
Sanctuary 197 $ 350* $ 60/h
Stearns Room 60 $ 260 $ 50/h
Pantry $ 50 $ 10/h
Parish House Auditorium 150 $ 260 $ 50/h
Parish House Kitchen $ 75 $ 15/h
Donaldson Room 40 $ 180 $40/h
Meeting Rooms 6 – 12 $ 100 $ 35/h

Facility Fees for recurring Events:

Room Capacity Hourly Rates
Parish House Auditorium 150 $ 75/h
Stearns Room  60 $ 75/h
Donaldson Room 40 $ 55/h
Meeting Rooms  6 – 12 $ 35

Pursuant to our “Policy and Process on Use of FPL Facilities, Resources and Name” church members requesting to use church facilities will be asked to pay a reduced rental fee. We recommend a contribution to FPL equal to 50% of the above rates. Additionally, recognizing that different organizations/individuals requesting use of FPL facilities will have different available resources, the above rates can be altered based on factors such as size of requesting organization, tax status of the organization, purpose of the rental, whether tickets will be sold or admission charged, community impact, and the like. Please consult with the Parish Administrator if you feel the above rates should be adjusted for your request.


If the sexton is required per the policies, he/she must be on-site and paid from the start of set-up. Depending on the type and size of event, time needed for cleaning services averages one to two hours after the event end time.

Please include with payment to First Parish in Lincoln.

6-hour minimum  $ 150 $ 225 Sunday & Holidays


All costs associated with a reception, including but not limited to catering, paper products, beverages are the sole responsibility of the person or family holding the reception.

The Lincoln Police Department will invoice you directly for the detail officer following the service.

Please pay all fees at the time of registration. Personnel checks should be made out in the individual’s name. Sexton and facility fees can be totaled and check made out to First Parish in Lincoln.