The Reopening Task Force met this week in order to consider next steps regarding the Covid 19 pandemic. They recognize the substantial decrease in cases in our area in recent weeks, as well as the risk of a subsequent future wave. Similarly, they recognize that amongst members of the congregation there is a wide range of personal risk tolerance and comfort levels. Given that, the Task Force is looking to take cautious, sequential steps toward re-opening that will be responsive to people’s very understandable wish to return closer to normal without alarming too many others.

The Task Force is recommending at this time that congregants be allowed to sing during worship services while remaining masked and socially distanced, beginning on March 27. Everyone attending is encouraged to utilize high quality N-95 or KN-95 masks while in the sanctuary (and such masks will be provided to those in need).

Small groups that meet on church property, and church staff, will become mask-optional, in accord with the recently modified Town of Lincoln Masking Policy. Groups are encouraged to be respectful of each member’s position in this regard.

The RE program will become mask optional for children ages 5 and up, in accord with the Lincoln Public Schools masking protocol.  Children between the ages of 2 and 5 will continue to be expected to mask, consistent with the policies of the Lincoln Nursery School and the Weston Wing Preschool.

The Task Force will continue to keep close tabs on the state of Covid in our community, and hope to be able to keep taking steps in this positive direction!

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