We’re growing! We’ve been working hard this summer to expand our Religious Exploration (RE) offerings to meet our growing numbers.  So, our fall calendar will look a bit different than it has in the recent past! We’ll be offering exciting programs for 4 specific age groups – babies & toddlers aged 0-5 years, children in grades K-2, children in grades 3-5, and for youth aged 13-18 years!  Additional programs and activities for families will also be offered outside of Sunday mornings by our new Family Connections Committee.  We’ll have many engaging opportunities for fun, learning, spiritual exploration and social action! Details will be posted soon on the FPL RE website.

  • Help us plan by registering your children HERE for the RE program now!
  • Make sure you’re signed up for Friday RE Blasts, which include important information & reminders. You can sign up on the FPL Breeze system HERE.

Many volunteer opportunities!  With all the activities we’re offering, we’re going to need more help from all of you! Join a class one weekend; lead a food drive at Donelan’s; help with the Advent workshop; lead the pageant!  There is something for everyone!  Look for further information and a link to a sign-up genius in upcoming news briefs.

Please contact Lora Venesy at lora@fplincoln.org with any questions!

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