It’s October! As Nature prepares for her long nap, we revel in her last hurrah, a festive celebration of beautiful color.  Join us for a month of celebration this October!

Sign Up. If you haven’t registered your family for RE yet, you can do it HERE.

We still need volunteers! Can you spare a few hours? We ask that parents sign up for at least 1 slot. Sign up with us HERE.  Thank you!

October Highlights for Kids & Families:

Sunday, October 6 | Blessing of the Animals & Age-Based Programs

At 9am, we’ll start with a Blessing of the Animals before church.  Bring a pet, photo, teddy bear or a picture you’ve drawn and join us for this special family-friendly, outdoor ceremony celebrating all past & present cherished pets in our lives.

At 10am, we’ll meet in the Parish House auditorium for check-in before meeting in our special age-based groups.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5) is available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.

  • Little OWL (pre-registered grades K-2) “Our Wonderful Bodies” Today, we will identify different body parts and what they are called. We’ll also explore how things have changed since we were babies.

  • Middle RE (grades 3-5) “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” We will talk about what “reciprocity” and “radical hospitality” mean and how they relate to our religious values.

  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (grades 6-7) “Judaism”  We will explore history and the important role that this ancient faith has played, as well as how it has evolved and fits into the lives of people in the U.S. today.

Indigenous Peoples’ Weekend | October 12-14

Although there is no RE or Nursery this weekend, we wanted to share some information and encourage everyone to learn more about this important holiday and participate in some of the many events being held this weekend. Also, feel free to borrow books from the RE office!

Indigenous Peoples Day was instituted in 1992, to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Columbus in the Americas on October 12, 1492.  It began as a counter-celebration held on the same day as Columbus Day, which honors Italian explorer Christopher Columbus. Wide discussions about the proposed change began in 1977, when awareness was raised about the lasting harm Indigenous tribes suffered at the hand of Columbus’s contributions to colonization of the Americas. Today, it is a nationally recognized holiday (although there are still states that have not made it official, including Massachusetts), where history, contributions, and culture are celebrated.

Folk Collective at Club Passim
Saturday, October 12 at 6pm
Indian Fair
Sunday, October 13 from 10am-4pm
Phelps Athletic Field, 7 Jumbo’s Path, North Grafton, MA
Watertown Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day
Sunday, October 13 from 12-4pm
Hosmer Elementary School, 1 Concord St., Watertown
Indigenous Peoples Day Family Program (Registration Required)
Monday, October 14 at 10am
Concord Museum
Newburyport’s Annual Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration
Monday, October 14 from 10am-5pm
Newburyport Waterfront Park 

Sunday, October 20 | Helping Our Neighbors: Community Food Drive at 9:45am

Children in K+ can be dropped off at Donelan’s starting at 9:45 to help run the annual food drive (Look for our FP table & adults out front). Afterward, we will take donations to the pantry across the street. Pick up at the Food Pantry (142 Lincoln Rd- across the street) at 11:30am.

*No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today. Nursery Care (Ages 0-5) is available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.

Sunday, October 27 | A Day of Celebrations!

All families are invited to have babies or children blessed today by Baptism or Dedication, as part of a community celebration with Kit and Nate’s son Felix, who will be baptized in service on this day. (Talk to Kit, Nate or Lora for more information).

All children in K+ will start in the Sanctuary! After an intergenerational celebration, we’ll head up the hill to celebrate Halloween together! There will be something for all ages: crafts, games & treats! Feel free to wear or bring your costume! *No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club. Nursery Care (Ages 0-5) will be available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am and younger children may participate in activities upstairs.

Also in October…

8th Grade OWL Parent Info Session
Tuesday, October 15 from 7pm-9pm in the Stearns Room

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is an acclaimed comprehensive sexuality education program provided by trained educators, using an engaging curriculum developed by the UU/UCC churches. Parents must attend an orientation session to enroll their teen. The program cost is $150 (assistance is available upon request).

Teen Trip to Roxbury
Saturday, October 19 from 11:15am-5pm

The First Parish Youth Service group’s next event will be another fun trip, this time to Roxbury, where we will meet & learn more about the non-profit, Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry ( *Please check out the website to learn more about their important initiatives to fight racism.

Our visit will include lunch at a neighborhood market, and then a walking tour of historic sites, including Hibernian Hall, Frugal Bookstore, Black Market Nubian Square, and First Church of Roxbury.  Our guide will be a high school student who will share a resident’s perspective of Roxbury and introduce us to the challenges and opportunities of this diverse community.

We will meet at the Parish House (Stone Church) at 11:15am, and expect to arrive back at First Parish by about 5pm.  We will carpool with adults from FPL. Please contact Lora Venesy for more info.

BELL RINGERS WANTED!  Ring the bell to start Sunday service! It’s easy & fun! Sign up HERE. Just come at 9:45am & we’ll show you how!

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