April showers bring May flowers! This May we continue to embrace the spring weather and our themes of Community, Bees and Play!
May is also a time to celebrate mothers everywhere. Moms of all kinds, grandmothers, step-mothers, dog moms, mother figures, are all important to recognize. Why? Because they care. And because they work hard to show that they care. Thank you to all the moms of any and all beings. Thank you for making room for others in your life and for putting your own needs aside at times. We appreciate you.
We hope you come play with us this Spring! We look forward to seeing you.
May Sunday RE begins at 10am.
Look for whether we’re starting in the sanctuary to hear a Time for All Ages, or in the Parish House up the hill! Nursery care is available at 9:30am for babies & toddlers aged 0-5. Pick-up for all children is at 11:30am (on the playground if weather is nice)!
May 5 | Springfest!
It’s going to be a festive Sunday! Kids are invited to bring a flower to share during today’s Flower Communion and stay for an intergenerational service in the Parish House. There will be music from our bell choir, a Time for All Ages given by our 5th grade Roots & Shoots group, and even dancing!
Afterward, we hope you stay around as festivities continue outside (if weather is bad, we will hold events inside)! Bring a picnic lunch & celebrate spring as we make flower crowns, and enjoy facepainting, music, a May Pole and more! We’ll also crown our Springfest Queen/s!
May 12 | Mother’s Day Project with Nancy Henderson
Kids of all ages are invited to the Parish House, where we’ll work on a special surprise for the moms in our lives!
May 19 | UU Sunday with Chalices & Beeswax candles
Kids will meet in the sanctuary for a Time for All Ages before heading up to the Parish House for a fun morning of making chalices and candles! We’ll create special chalices to take home, while we talk about the role & symbolism of the chalice within the UU faith and explore the UU Principles.
May 26 | Memorial Day weekend—No Nursery or RE
Children are always welcome in service! There are books & activity packets for kids in the Stearns room. Have a relaxing weekend & remember those who have died while serving our country.
Other Kid/Family Events in May:
May 1 | YPC Meeting at 7:30pm in the Stearns Room.
May 11 | Morning of Art and Connection at 9:00am. Upstairs in the Parish House.
Have you heard the Buzz? First Parish and Beehive Art are collaborating to host a morning of art and connection for our group of little First Parish children, ages 2-5. Kim from Beehive Art will lead the children in an art activity. Following their creations, caregivers and children are invited to the playground for mingling and morning treats. Space is limited, please RSVP HERE.
(*Note: This is not a drop off event – we look forward to seeing you there!)
May 14 or 22 | Little OWL Parent Information Session at 7:30pm.
We are offering Our Whole Lives, comprehensive sexuality to children in grades 1-3 next year. If you have children who are in K-2 now, please come to this informal info session to get all your questions answered! Contact Lora HERE with any questions.
May 22 | YPC Family Potluck from 5:00-7:00pm.
Kids are invited to enjoy pizza and a movie in the Parish House, while grownups bring a dish and gather down the hill in the Stearns Room! Be on the lookout for an evite & sign up.
TBA | Meeting to plan Youth-led Service at 7:00pm.
The youth-led service is coming up! Keep an eye out for our next meeting date, where we’ll finalize plans (& chat) over snacks!
May 29 | Lincoln Pride from 12:30-2:30pm.
Join First Parish as we walk in the Lincoln Pride parade from Lincoln schools to Pierce Park for a fun Pride celebration event!
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