Birds are singing and bees are buzzing! Spring is such a beautiful time to embrace the outdoors and explore self-care, even when it’s raining. Our last OWL class was held on April 23rd, where we discussed decision-making and self-care. We talked about the need to get outside and enjoy the sun, air, dirt and water, which is exactly what we did recently at Codman Farm (minus the sun)! Thank you to DJ, Cadence & Montana Mitchell, Ginger Reiner, and Abby Adams for making that happen!

Monumental thanks also go out to Joan Mansfield and Kate Byers. They spent their winter & spring Sunday evenings dispelling myths and engaging our 8th graders in Our Whole Lives, our comprehensive sexuality education program that empowers youth to make healthy decisions and learn more about themselves & others.

This Fall, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives for 5th grade, as well as 8th grade. Interested parents & caregivers are invited to attend an information session on May 11th (details below).

Our Whole Lives ( is a holistic fact-based sexuality education program for youth and children that includes teaching about attitudes, values, and feelings about themselves and the world. It is unlike many other sexuality curricula currently available, as it is comprehensive, engaging and developmentally appropriate, and delivers information on sensitive topics that are typically excluded. Although the curriculum was developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, the program is completely secular with a focus on values and justice. Topics include body image, relationships, gender identity, hygiene, puberty, consent, etc.

The class will likely meet after school during the week from 3:15-4:30pm (exact dates TBD). *Registration and parent orientation are required. See below. Program fee is $150 for 12 weeks. Enrollment will be limited to 15. Please reach out with any questions.

May brings continued celebration of our living earth by offering events and programs that reflect our search for spirituality within nature & community.  Please join us!

For Parents & Caregivers:

  • Monday, May 1:  Conversations on Tap, 7:30-9pm at the Tap Room (145 Lincoln Rd.). Join us for drinks & discussion! Topic: When Kids Ask Tough Questions. Led by Rev. Kit Novotny.
  • Thursday, May 11:  Parent Information Session for Grade 5 OWL, 7:30-8:30pm in the Stearns Room (down the hill). Parents & caregivers with rising 5th graders are invited to hear more information about Our Whole Lives, a sexuality education program that will be offered this fall. Led by Lora Venesy, Acting DRE.
  • Monday, May 22:  Conversations on Tap, 7:30-9pm at the Tap Room (145 Lincoln Rd.). Join us for drinks & discussion! Topic: Launching Kids & Letting Go. Led by Rev. Kit Novotny and Lora Venesy.
  • Wednesday, May 31:  Kids’ Game/Craft Night, 5-7pm in the Donaldson Room in the Parish House. This is a “drop off” event, where children will be dropped off in the Parish House for a fun evening of pizza, popsicles, crafts and games, while parents gather on the deck behind the Stearns Room down the hill for a cookout and adult time!

May Sunday RE
This is the Sunday calendar for children K & up.  On May 7th and 21st, we’ll begin in the sanctuary and head up the hill together after a Time for All Ages. On May 14th, Nursery care will be available for children aged 0-5, but others should come to the sanctuary first. Other Sundays, we meet in the Parish House at 10:00am unless otherwise noted.  Nursery time is available for children aged 0-5 in the Parish House with Debby.

May 7: Spring Food Drive & Plant-based Potluck. Bring a plant-based dish to share for a potluck to be held after church, as we continue to cherish our living Earth this spring! The Nursery will welcome younger children, while children aged 6 and up will meet in the parking lot at Donelan’s Food Market in Lincoln. We will be collecting food donations for our local food pantry. Caregivers can drop off at 9:30 and pick up at 11:30am. Head back to the Parish House after, for the potluck lunch! Helpers: Thornton Ring & Anna Bishop

May 14: Celebration Sunday!  All are invited to attend a youth-led service in the Sanctuary!  Our teens will share music and reflections based on the theme, “Mother Earth”. The Nursery will welcome children aged 0-5, while all others are encouraged to stay in service on this special day.

May 21: Garden Day. Children will begin up the hill today, where we will prepare our garden and plant seeds!  It’s going to be a dirty day, so don’t wear your Sunday best!  We will plant things like pumpkins, & look forward to harvesting them later for Halloween!

May 28: Memorial Day Weekend. No RE. Activity packets will be available for children.

Other Youth/Child-Centered Events & Announcements

Be the Change!  The RE change collection will continue through the end of May. Drop any spare change in the vase outside the Stearns Room (white church) or the jar in the RE office (stone church)!  Thank you!

Sunday, May 7th: Celebration Sunday Youth Planning meeting, 5:30-6:30pm in the Window Room in the Parish House.  Pizza dinner will be served.  Teens of all ages are invited to help plan our youth-led service on May 14th. The theme will be “Mother Earth”. There are big & small parts for everyone! Inquire with Lora at

Mother Earth Slideshow. On May 14th, our youth will be leading worship service with the theme, “Mother Earth”. They would like to show a slide show of our favorite places in nature, so please share a photo of your favorite place by emailing it to by Wednesday, May 10th.

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