Happy Summer!  It’s finally here!  It’s been an exciting year! We’ve had so much fun getting to know each other. There have been Game Nights, Movie Nights, Conversations on Tap, OWL, music, yoga, talismans, gardening, poetry, baking, service to our community, wonderful volunteers, lots of pizza, and crafts!

We would like to thank all of our RE volunteers this year with a special breakfast on June 11. Please stop by on your way to church and grab some food and a gift as thanks for sharing your time & expertise with our children. We could not have offered the wonderful programs without your help!

RE Events/Calendar:

Wednesday, May 31 from 5-7pm:  Game Night & Parent BBQ — Kids will get dropped off at the Parish House for pizza & games. Parents will meet outside on the Stearns Room deck for a BBQ.  RSVP HERE.

Sunday, June 4:  Pride Sunday  Join us for a TFAA in the Sanctuary, before heading up the hill to talk about various Pride Flags & make them!

Sunday, June 11:  Celebration Sunday & Installation — RE Volunteers & families are invited to join us before church in the Parish House for food and appreciation! Then during church, we will hold a Bible ceremony before heading back up the hill to decorate commemorative frames that will hold memories of a fun year!  At 4pm, we will celebrate Kit & Nate during their Installation!

Sunday, June 25 at 6pm:  Youth End of Year Celebration — We invite all youth to food & games in the Parish House at 6pm.  RSVP HERE.

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