Happy New Year!

The start of the brand new year is a time to look ahead, to dream about what we want this year to be. Many people make resolutions to change  a behavior, but what if we wish for something larger, a guiding star for the new year?

Epiphany is a special time of year. It’s a celebration on January 6 that marks when the Magi visited Jesus. The story embodies a shining light, a manifestation of something larger. This year will no doubt bring us news and events much larger than any of us, but Epiphany gives us a chance to embrace a guiding light. This January, creating your own Epiphany Star can help serve as a reminder of principles to guide you throughout the year.

Epiphany Star Instructions:

  • Take a moment to think about principles.  What are they? Why and how are they important? What principles are important to you and your family? What do you hope will guide you as a family? Time together? Patience? Peace? Kindness? Joy? Compassion? Persistence? Faith? Forgiveness?
  • Make stars! You can cut them from simple paper, or cardboard and decorate them with glitter, paint, fabric, buttons, etc. You can make as many as you’d like & in whatever size you’d like!
  • Label each star with a principle that will guide you and/or your family’s year.
  • Hang your stars in a place where you’re likely to see them (on the fridge with a magnet, or hang in a window with string)
  • Revisit the principles on the stars. Have conversations and check-ins about them!

January Sunday Happenings:

January 7 | Slime and Super Powers  (TFAA)
After a Time for All Ages, join Jane O’Rourke up the hill, where we’ll make slime and talk about our super powers! Nursery care is available, but all ages are welcome to join this activity.

January 14 | No Nursery or Children’s Programming (activity packets will be available)

January 21 | Author Talk
Join us today for a chat with author, Ray Shepard! He is the author of Runaway: The Daring Escape of Ona Judge, Now or Never: 54th Massachusetts Infantry’s War to End Slavery, and his newest book, A Long Time Coming: A Lyrical Biography of Race in America from Ona Judge to Barack Obama. We will be talking about his experience as an author, and his writing.

January 28 | Baking Kindness
We will be baking up something special with RL Smith! While baking, we will talk about the importance of kindness and serving others. Afterward, we will serve treats to our friends at coffee hour after service.

Also in January:

January 7 and 21 | 8th grade OWL  (7-8:30pm in the Parish House)

January 10 | Special Youth Group Meeting (7-8:30pm in the Parish House)
We will meet to check in, have snacks, & talk about the possibility of a trip to City Reach! Check it out here- CityReach — common cathedral

January 8 | Roots & Shoots (3:15-4:45pm in the Stearns Room)
This program will be held for registered 5th graders on Mondays with Gina Halstead and Rosemary Lloyd.  No class on January 15th.

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