Happy February!

February is a month of love and many themes, but most importantly, it is Black History Month. Our kids learn all about it in school, but why is it important for us to remember it in church?

In 1970, the U.S. officially recognized Black History Month to honor the all too often neglected contributions & sacrifices of Black Americans who helped shape history.  As a faith community, we are called to do this every day of the year, but to remember February as a special time to lift up Black teachers, scientists, artists, writers, leaders, etc. …even higher.

It’s also important to recognize and embrace Black History Month through the practice and teaching of our 8th UU Principle, which affirms and promotes the journey toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse, multicultural Beloved Community by our actions to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

Let us start by celebrating our country’s cultural heritage. What Black leaders and innovators will you learn more about and hold up? Let’s talk about them!

Here are 7 highly recommended kid-friendly movies to get you started! 

  • Remember the Titans
  • The Boy who Harnessed the Wind
  • Hidden Figures
  • Becoming
  • Queen of Katwe
  • Akeelah and the Bee
  • Ruby Bridges

February Sunday RE

Join us for Sunday RE workshops. They are appropriate for ages 5 + and always a lot of fun! Nursery care is available for our younger friends! RE is held in the Parish House from 10-11:30am, unless there is a Time for All Ages (TFAA) noted, when we begin in the Sanctuary first then head up the hill. For questions or more information, contact Lora at lora@fplincoln.org.

February 4 I Winter Carnival Yoga & Meditation
Bring your friends and join Liz Elliott, Joan Kimball and Ben Wells as we stretch our muscles and soothe our souls during this yoga and meditation session. Wear comfortable clothing and feel free to bring a mat if you’d like. This event is open to the public as part of Lincoln’s Winter Carnival!

February 11 I Valentines (TFAA)
Valentine’s Day is a time to show love and caring for others. What encouraging words can we share to comfort and lift the spirits of those we don’t even know? After a Time for All Ages, we will head up the hill with Anna Bishop where we’ll make festive valentines to spread love & cheer to our friends in need.

February 18 I No RE (Winter break)
Have fun on Winter Break this week! There will be activity packets available in the sanctuary for children who come to church today.

February 25 I Snowflakes
Snowflakes are beautiful and unique! Today, we will create individual snowflakes that represent our own uniqueness while we read The Weight of a Snowflake with Jackie Lenth.

Other Fun Events for Kids/Families

Thursday, February 1, 5:30- 7:30pm I Kids’ Game Night
Join us in the Parish House for a fun evening of pizza and games! This is a drop off event for kids aged 5+. There will be a variety of games and an art project, too!

Saturday, February 10, 7:00- 9:00pm I FPL Talent Show
Come cheer on friends & family at this entertaining event! FPL members aged 8 & up will be bringing their many talents to the stage! You can still sign up HERE.

Sunday, February 11, 3:30- 5:30pm I Youth Group Mardis Gras Party!
Join us for a Mardi Gras party at Hancock Church in Lexington! This will be a multi youth group afternoon event with snacks, mask decorating, etc. Everyone is welcome, but please rsvp to Lora at lora@fplincoln.org by Feb. 3rd.

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