Holiday time is here! It’s time to dust off those Christmas traditions. Do you continue annual experiences from your childhood, or have you started new ones with your family? Each holds special meaning, bonding family and lifting spirits. Children form important memories from even the simplest of holiday traditions. “Research shows that when children experience family ritual and joy, they build a protective quality.”

Traditions can also provide reassurance during difficult times. This is especially important when the news of the world is scary and dark, or when your family experiences tough times, instilling a sense of anticipation and grounding in an unpredictable world. Whether you use the same cookie recipe each year, watch old Christmas movies together, or open the windows of an advent calendar, these holiday rituals validate the meaning of Christmas and help everyone’s emotional health. Most importantly though, enjoy the season. Christmas magic is contagious, so if you feel it, your kids will too. We’re here to help.

To read more about the importance of holiday traditions, click HERE. Need more proof? Click HERE.

We’d also like to wish our beloved Nursery Care provider, Debby Adams, a speedy recovery as she heals from back surgery. Thank you to Anna Bishop for covering!

Looking for some family-friendly ideas this holiday? 

Sunday RE in December: 

December 3 | 1st Nativity Pageant Rehearsal (TFAA) 
Children of all ages are invited to join us in the Sanctuary with a Time for All Ages to begin our season of advent and set the stage for our annual Nativity Pageant. Children will then go up the hill to receive roles. We will have snacks & go over the script. Kids will go home with their parts to practice at home with their families. Pick up will be in the Parish House. Nursery care is also available, although everyone is invited to be in the Pageant. Drop off & pick up on the lower level of the Parish House.

December 10 | 2nd Nativity Pageant Rehearsal 
Today, children will meet in the Sanctuary to try on costumes and run through the script a few more times. Attendance at both rehearsals is important, but not required! After rehearsal, we will walk up the hill to meet families in the Parish House. Nursery care is also available on the lower level of the Parish House.

December 17 | Nativity Pageant! 
It’s showtime! All actors should arrive in the Stearns Room by 9:30 a.m. Costumes will be waiting there & helpers will be on hand to help get everyone ready. The performance will take place in the Sanctuary during the service. Afterward, children are invited to the afterparty in the Stearns Room. We will enjoy festive snacks and celebrate!

December 24 | Christmas Eve Services 
The festive family friendly service will be at 4:00pm. Although children & families are welcome at later services, this service is designed especially for younger families. There will be lots of music and passages will be read by our own First Parish children.

The 8pm and 10pm services will also feature readings by teens & young adults.

Other RE Related Events in December: 

Youth Group | Sunday, December 3 | 7:00- 8:30pm 
We will be holding a Yankee Swap! Bring a wrapped gift (joke or serious) $10 max. We will also discuss a possible trip to More Than Words on December 9th.

Touch of Christmas Fair | Sunday, December 3 | 12noon- 3:00pm 

All are invited to this wonderful annual affair! There will be wreaths, crafts, jewelry and more! Come do some holiday shopping! Santa will arrive at 1pm!

Tree Lighting & Caroling | Sunday, December 3 | 3:30-4:30pm 

Join us for our annual tree lighting outside the Sanctuary. We will enjoy hot chocolate and familiar carols with members of the choir.

Family Christmas Caroling | Wednesdays, December 13 and 20 | 4:45-6:30pm 

Join us in spreading some holiday cheer to our homebound friends from First Parish. We will gather to sing carols at 3 locations on each date, starting at 4:45pm. Please email Abigail Adams ( for details on location and timing. Feel free to join for one or all visits. Children and grown-ups are welcome (no singing talent required)!

Youth Group Cookie Decorating Party | Sunday, December 17 | 6:00-8:00pm
Our Youth Group has been invited to First Church of Christ in Bedford, for pizza, & cookie decorating with their Youth Group! We will meet at First Parish in Lincoln at 5:30pm to carpool. Please RSVP to Lora ( by 12/10.

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