Spring is here!  We are celebrating with activities that focus on the theme of “Cherish the Living Earth”.  Activities in April and May will highlight our desire to make the world a better place and to teach our children about how to take care of our communities and our planet.  The wonderful part is, we can have fun while doing that! Our activities in April will include the importance of trash-pick up, lowering carbon emissions, and helping our neighbors in need. We will start in April & continue into May. Please join us.

Be the Change!  The RE change collection will continue through May. Drop any spare change in the vase outside the Stearns Room (white church) or the jar in the RE office (stone church)!  Thank you!

Movie Night SUCCESS! Luca was a hit with kids & families!  We continue to collect flashlights for our Syrian friends in need. There is a bin in the stone church lobby.

OWL will meet in the Stearns Room (white church) on April 2nd.  There are 3 more classes- 4/2, 4/23, & 4/30. The last will be a class & celebration on April 30.

Calling All Teens!  We will meet on April 2nd at 5:30pm for pizza and planning for the Youth Service to be held on May 14th. Please let Lora (lora@fplincoln.org) if you’ll be there. The meeting will be in the window room in the stone church (enter through the front door & head upstairs). All teens welcome!

Household Goods  All teens are welcome to join us for a day of community service on April 29th from 12:15- 4:30pm. Please RSVP soon!  Details will be sent 1 week before.

This is the calendar for children K & up.  On TFAA Sundays, we usually begin in the sanctuary and head up the hill together after a Time for All Ages. Other Sundays, we meet in the Parish House at 10:00am unless otherwise noted.  Nursery time is available for children aged 0-5 in the Parish House with Debby.

  • April 2, Palm Sunday  Worship will begin outside with a palm parade outside the sanctuary.  After a TFAA we’ll head up the hill to decorate bags to take home to collect trash in our neighborhoods & around church
  • April 9, Easter Sunday  Don‘t forget your basket! Join us for an egg hunt at 11:30am after an intergenerational service. This event is open to the community!
  • April 16, Spring Break  There will be no RE, but activity packets will be available
  • April 23, Codman Farm!  Children 5 & up are invited to an exciting drop-off event at Codman Farm at 9:30am. We will be visiting the new babies! Please make sure children are dressed for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. Pick up at Codman at 11:30am.
  • April 30, Spring Fest  Bike to church today!  Worship will be held in the Parish House for a Blessing of the Bicycles, then we’ll decorate our bikes & make handheld streamers. Bring a picnic lunch and stay for the May Pole after!

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