Dear FPL Members and Friends,
Are you ready for one last round of postcard writing for Reclaim Our Vote? We indicated we would have two opportunities in September. The first involved many of you in writing 1040 postcards to encourage voter registration and early voting-by-mail in various towns in Texas from McAllen, to Alamo, to Edinburg. Thank you and congratulations to all of you.
This next and final round will be to North Carolina, a state in which voter suppression has been widespread. Some of you may have seen the documentary, Capturing the Flag, about suppression at the polls in one county in North Carolina in 2016. This was the first presidential election to take place after the 2013 dismantling of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It is a reminder of just how fragile our democracy is.
As in the other rounds, the FPL Anti-Racism Task Force has been working with the Unitarian Universalists and an NGO, the Center for Common Ground’s program, Reclaim Our Vote. The purpose is to encourage voter registration and early voting-by-mail in communities in which voter suppression has been widespread. This time you may also choose to write postcards yourself or to fund a young adult or teen that would like to participate but does not have the funds.
Writing postcards to voters in North Carolina
Each packet contains 20 postcards with directions, stamps, an address list, and, in this case, stickers with pertinent contact information to be placed on the message side of the card. Each packet costs $12.00.
If you would like to participate, email Barbara Slayter at today, September 17, indicating the number of packets you would like to have. The same arrangement will apply as before – you can pick up the packets from a box on my side porch, and leave the requisite check or cash in the white envelope in the box. I hope to be able to pick up the packets on Saturday, September 19 and to make them available on Sunday, September 20. However, I’ll confirm via email when the packets are on my porch.
Donating funds ($12 per packet of 20) for FPL young adults to write postcards
If you would like to participate and have funds but no time (or tired hands!), you may contribute $12 per packet for as many packets as you wish to support. Make out the check to The First Parish in Lincoln and send it to
The First Parish in Lincoln,
P. O. Box 6218
Lincoln, MA 01773
Please make a note that it is intended for Reclaim Our Vote and inform me by email to, so that I can arrange for the packets and seek reimbursement for expenses from The First Parish. Your donation is tax deductible.
I attach a link to the website for Reclaim Our Vote for you to review and look forward to hearing from you today, September 17, if you would like to join in this effort.
Barbara Slayter, for the Antiracism Task Force
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