Openness and Welcoming is a recurrent theme throughout our Religious Exploration programs as First Parish actively serves LGBTQ+ children and youth in all our programs. Parents of LGBTQ+ children communicate with our Director of Religious Exploration, Sunday School teachers and our Youth Program Committee to assist in further developing adult awareness of issues surrounding children and youth with non-conforming gender identities and sexual preferences. Likewise, parents who themselves are LGBTQ+ are welcomed and especially encouraged to provide program guidance.

Children and youth routinely introduce themselves with their pronouns, sometimes even without adult prompting. Sunday School activities include a variety of crafts and discussions about dignity and respect for all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We look forward to Pride month, and participate in celebrations together here at First Parish, as well as the local community or in Boston. We incorporate a variety of pride-art activities, such as pride flags, signs, or rainbows.

The OWL (Our Whole Lives) programs we offer to kids in grades 1, 5 and 8 are replete with discussion, videos and activities that teach understanding and acceptance of people who are gender diverse. We use the UUA/UCC curriculum; both staff and congregants are trained in OWL for grades K-12 and regularly have speakers from the LGBTQ+ community.

We all continue to grow in our understanding of the needs and preferences of the LGBTQ+ community. Our Religious Exploration programs remain an integral part of welcoming all visitors and new members to First Parish in Lincoln. We affirm each person’s dignity regardless of how one expresses their gender identity or sexual orientation.

She/Her, He/Him, They/Them. Us.

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