Dear friends,

The peony buds in my garden are full to bursting, a sure sign that early June is upon us.  I was so delighted to get the news of your unanimous vote on May 22nd  to call Kit and Nate as your settled ministers.  I was even able to view a video where Kit and Nate and their kids walked down the hill to join in the festivities on that very hot day!  Lots of cake!! Congratulations!  This is such a milestone in the life of this congregation and you have worked steadfastly over the past few years to reach this day.

Over the next two weeks, I will have the opportunity to sit down with some of you for conversations and to say goodbye.  I know I will not be able to meet with all of you personally, but please know I will carry you in my heart as I leave. Being your interim minister will count as one of the great blessings of my life, and I will remember this period of time with tremendous gratitude.  It has been a challenge, too, to be sure, and we have navigated choppy water as well as smooth in the ride together.  Thank you for showing up with bravery and honesty to work that has not always been easy or comfortable.  Thank you for remaining faithful to me, our staff, and one another during Covid19.  I know from talking with other ministers it could have been otherwise, and I feel incredibly grateful that you stayed as cohesive and as kind as you did.  It has not been an easy time.

This morning, I had the pleasure of meeting with Kit and Nate at length; they had wonderful questions and insights and are full of eagerness to begin this ministry in collaboration with you.  I know you’ll each be thinking of how you can show up, commit, contribute and engage as the fall begins.  Please refrain from being in touch with them until their start date of August 1; Sarah K. will be on call for pastoral coverage from now until Aug 1.

As you know, guidelines prevent me from staying in contact with you after the interim ministry ends.  It will seem strange at first and sad to have that distance, but it will help Kit and Nate to get established as your new ministers, and I trust you will respect that boundary.

I will say goodbye more fully in my last sermon on June 12th, but for now, thank you for your trust, your hard work, your willingness to share in ministry with me, your many kindnesses, and your love.  I wish you so many blessings as you begin the next leg of the journey with Kit and Nate.

In faith,

Rev. Jenny Rankin

Interim Minister

Office Hours:
Tuesday – Friday, 7:30am – 3:30pm

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