A dedicated group has been at work through the summer to put together an exciting program of activities we hope will engage a broad spectrum of FPLers and community members.

Our itinerary begins this fall will a focus on our HISTORY – national, local and church history – and the ways in which that history has involved us in questions of race. Our aim is to offer access to a variety of sources of information and perspective that will let us reconsider these questions together, in preparation for the next stages of our journey, focused on ISSUES (winter) and ACTION (spring).

In our travels through HISTORY, we honor the legacies of the indigenous peoples who are the original inhabitants and stewards of this land and the Africans who were then brought to the Americas against their will.  After acknowledging both communities in September, we will be devoting the month of October to African-American history and the month of November to Native Americans.

September is fast approaching! In the next issue of the News Briefs, look for details about

  • James Baldwin film screening and book discussion, Part 2.
  • A family-friendly Saturday field trip to the Plimoth Patuxtet Museum (formerly known as the Plimoth Plantation), which brings alive the contrasting, yet interconnected cultures of English colonists and Native American inhabitants of our region.
  • Screening of the documentary film Traces of the Trade, focused on the slave trade that built Bristol, RI, as preparation for an October field trip to historic sites at Bristol and Linden Place.

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