Dear First Parish friends, 

We are delighted to share an exciting update in the life of our family, which we also plan to lift up as a prayer request at our special Spring Fest worship this Sunday:

We are preparing to welcome our third child, due at the end of October 2023. Kit is entering the second trimester and feeling well.

One of the blessings of our co-ministry model is the flexibility it allows during the seasons of family life. Given the strength of our entire staff team as well as our devoted congregational lay leadership, we are confident in our collective ability to keep the momentum of church life and growth going, while celebrating this new life among us. 

Stay tuned for more information about our plan for collaborative parental leave coverage next fall and winter. Right now, Kit plans to take 12 weeks of parental leave (approx. Nov 2023-Jan 2024), while Nate plans to take a few weeks initially, hoping to return by Advent (December). Nate may reserve some additional flexible leave for later in the year if needed. During the month of November (or so), our wonderful Ministry Associate Sarah Klockowski has agreed to serve as Acting Head of Staff. We are exploring ways to supplement pastoral support from Nov-Jan, primarily in pastoral care and preaching. 

Thank you for all the ways you have already supported our family, and thank you for celebrating with us and holding us in prayer. 

With gratitude,
Kit and Nate
(and Zoe and Gwendolyn)


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