Welcome to our Fall 2024 calendar for Religious Exploration (RE) for children and youth at First Parish! We want to build confidence and celebrate differences, while traveling on a spiritual journey together. We offer engaging programs that build friendships, community and values that last a lifetime. 

Theme-based activities each Sunday include art, nature, social action, and of course, celebration! Activities and programs are designed for all ages.

Nursery care is available for babies and children aged 0-5 with various creative age-based activities. It is offered from 9:30- 12 noon each Sunday on the lower level of the Parish House. Families with children who are 5 are welcome to have them participate in Nursery or RE, depending on the week, activity or mood.

 Children K- 8 are invited to the Parish House (up the hill) for RE at 10:00am on Sundays unless there is a Time for All Ages (TFAA)- noted on the calendar below. On those days, everyone gathers in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship. After the TFAA, kids and leaders walk up the hill together for RE. A small snack is provided during both groups, and we end our time together in the Parish House or on the playground for pick up at 11:30am.

Please join us as we explore spirituality within our upcoming monthly themes!

September 8 ~ Ingathering Sunday

There is no RE today, but please join the congregation at 10am for service. Bring a stone from somewhere special (near or far) to participate in our stone communion. All ages are invited to be part of this ingathering ritual!

September 14 ~ Youth Group
Teens aged 13 & up will get together to help Cradles to Crayons today! Details coming soon!

September 15 ~ Rally Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks (TFAA)
Welcome Back!! It’s our official first day back for RE!
We can’t wait to see everyone! There will be Nursery care for our younger friends, while school-aged children are encouraged to bring their backpacks to church so they can be blessed during a special Time for All Ages. Afterward, we’ll head outside for popsicles and yard games, and we’ll also fill backpacks for kids in need.

  • Please bring the following new items for donation: pencils, erasers, notebooks, pencil cases, rulers, and/or… backpacks! These items will be donated to School on Wheels.

Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.

September 22 ~ Age-Based RE Programs Kick-off!
Today kicks off RE programs for different age groups. At 10 AM, kids in grades K and above will gather in the Parish House auditorium for check-in before heading to separate groups (details below).

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.
  • Little OWL (pre-registered K-2)- Introduction to OWL- We’ll introduce the program and get to know each other through interactive games!
  • Middle RE (grades 3-5)- A Covenant is a Promise-Today, we’ll talk about what’s needed to form a community, and the promises we make to God.
  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (grades 6-7)- Introduction to IBC & UU- We will enjoy breakfast together while we discuss our spiritual journey to explore many different faith traditions, starting with Unitarian Universalism! What are the important UU values and principles? What are UU ideas of God, rituals and traditions? We’ll have fun talking about these topics and more with our guest tod

September 29 (TFAA) ~ We’re Going on a Nature Hunt…!
Today, kids will meet first in the Sanctuary for a Time for All Ages. Then we’ll head up the hill for a quick big group check-in before we separate into 2 groups. Proper outdoor attire is a must for kids who plan to join our walk outside. Grades K & up will be heading outside for a nature walk and talk with Anne Forbes Van Nest while grades 6 & 7 will meet for a breakfast chat with our Ministers! *No Little OWL today.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am and are welcome to join our nature walk today!
  • Little/Middle RE (grades K-5)- Nature Hunt! Wear sturdy shoes (& possibly a jacket) and get ready for a special nature walk with our friend Anne Forbes Van Nest! Art can be found everywhere, and we will be outdoors today (rain or shine) to hunt & collect special items for our project!
  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (grades 6-7) – Protestant Christianity- Join us as one of our Ministers talks with the group about the history and traditions of Protestant faiths, including Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, and of course- United Church of Christ! What was the Reformation? Why is the New Testament important? We’ll find out!

October 6 ~ Age-Based Programs
Today, we’ll all gather in the auditorium at 10am for check-in before heading off to our separate groups (details below).

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am
  • Little OWL (pre-registered grades K-2)- Our Wonderful Bodies- Today, we will identify different body parts and what they are called. We’ll also explore how things have changed since we were babies.
  • Middle RE (grades 3-5)- Love Your Neighbor as Yourself- We will talk about what “reciprocity” and “radical hospitality” mean and how they relate to religious values.
  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (grades 6-7)- Judaism- We will explore history and the important role this ancient faith has played, as well as how it has evolved and fits into lives of people in the U.S. today.

October 13 ~ Holiday
Indigenous Peoples’ Weekend- No Nursery or RE. Activity packets, relevant books, & toys will be available in the Stearns Room during service today. Please read the FPL RE Blast for more resources on how to recognize and celebrate this weekend with your family.

October 18 ~ Possible Visit to Kerem Shalom
Our 6th & 7th graders will travel to Kerem Shalom in Concord to participate in Sukkot at 6:30pm. Sukkot is one of 3 major festivals in Judaism. It is a celebration of the fall harvest and begins at sunset on October 16 and ends at nightfall on October 23. Timing/details will be confirmed.

October 19 ~ Seeing Me in the World
FPL youth (aged 13-19) will travel to Roxbury to connect with other teens and get a tour of Roxbury that includes details of the little-known Black history of the area. Timing/details will be confirmed. Please contact Lora for more information.

October 20 ~ Helping our Neighbors
Today is the Scarecrow Road Race and FPL Food Drive at Donelan’s! It’s a fun annual event and a great time to help our friends & neighbors! Families- Please drop off kids aged Kindergarten and above at Donelan’s in Lincoln at 9:45am. We will distribute grocery needs lists to attendees, and then collect donated items for the Lincoln Food Pantry. Afterward, we will take donations across the street to the Food Pantry together and help stock their shelves. Pick up is at 11:45am at the Food Pantry (142 Lincoln Rd.).

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5) available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.
    *No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today.

October 26 ~ Youth Group Halloween Trip
There’s nothing spooky about a corn maze…(right?) Our FPL youth will report back after this group visit! Details/timing for RSVPs will be coming soon. Teens aged 13-19 are welcome!

October 27 (TFAA) ~ Fall Celebrations!

Let’s start today with a special celebration in the Sanctuary! After a Time for All Ages, we’ll stay for a Baptism! After that, we’ll head up the hill together for a hauntingly good time! There will be something for all ages- crafts, games & treats…! All are welcome to wear a Halloween costume today!

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am and may opt to participate in activities upstairs.
    * No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today.

November 3 ~ Aged-Based Programs
Today, we’ll all gather in the auditorium at 10am for check-in before heading off to our separate groups (details below).

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.
  • Little OWL (pre-registered K-2)- Bodies and Gender- We will continue where we left off last time & discuss what bodies can do and gender roles.
  • Middle RE (grades 3-5)- Meeting People Where They Live- This morning, we will introduce the concept of service and its role in our faith. We will also build connections & community through fun activities.
  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (grades 6-7)- Islam- Today, we will learn more about Islamic faith from a wonderful guest. The word “Islam” is derived from the Arabic root s-l-m, which means “peace” and “surrender”. Although Islam shares common roots with Judaism and Christianity, there are still many misunderstandings about this ancient faith. Bring your questions to be pondered over breakfast.

November 10 ~ Nature Hunt Part 2
Today, all ages will meet as a big group in RE! We will be talking about community and building structures together. If the weather is nice, we will go outside & work together as a community to build a special structure. Let’s see what happens when we cooperate on ideas, design and creation! Older kids will support younger friends throughout this fun collaborative process.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.

November 17 ~ Author Talk
Join us to meet Lincoln children’s author and illustrator Laurel Molk (http://www.laurelmolk.com/new-page-4). Kids in grades K-5 will meet in the Parish House auditorium for a brief check-in before we read some stories with our special guest, hear about how she works on them, and try some illustrations of our own. Older kids will also discuss relatable messages in her stories and practice mindfulness techniques.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.
  • Interfaith Breakfast Club (6/7th graders) Trip to a Mosque. The group will meet in the parking lot before the trip at a time TBD and travel to the Islamic Center in Wayland.

November 24 ~ Friendsgiving & New Member Luncheon (TFAA)
Kids in grades K & up are invited to join us in the Sanctuary for a Time for All Ages and New Member ceremony! Then, we’ll head up the hill to make very special centerpieces to welcome our new friends/members to First Parish. We will decorate tables and enjoy a festive lunch together! We will offer centerpieces as gifts to our newest members and make one to take home for our own holiday tables!

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- available on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am.
    *No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today.

December 1 ~ Advent Workshop!
Festive holiday attire is in order because it’s time for our special annual holiday event! Kids of all ages are invited to the Parish House to make unique gifts for loved ones! There will be a variety of different projects- something for everyone! Older kids are needed as buddies for younger kids, to guide them through the activities while enjoying holiday treats together! If you’re interested, please check in with an adult when you arrive.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5) Children can be dropped off on the lower level at 9:30am or brought to the auditorium. Parents are welcome to stay!
    *No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today.

December 8 ~ Pageant Rehearsal #1
It’s time for our beloved Christmas Pageant! This event sets the stage for the season and kids of all ages can participate! We need many different roles, so whether you’d like to be a star or a donkey, we need you! Today, we will assign roles and review the script and story. We’ll finish up with some yummy snacks! Kids with speaking roles will receive scripts, so they can practice at home.

  • Nursery Care (Ages 0-5)- Can be dropped off on the lower level of the Parish House at 9:30am. Those wishing to participate in the play will be brought upstairs briefly for roles & costume assignments, before returning to the Nursery.
    *No Little OWL, Middle RE or Interfaith Breakfast Club today.

December 15 ~ Pageant Rehearsal #2 (Final)
Today, we’ll run through the pageant with scripts, costumes & music! Don’t worry- if kids couldn’t make it last week & would still like to participate, they are welcome! We will enjoy festive snacks after rehearsal!

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