Thank you for inquiring about the use of The First Parish in Lincoln’s facilities. Please see below the complete procedures and policies all building users will be required to review and agree to before any reservation is considered final. Please complete the application form applicable to your event and return with payment to First Parish in Lincoln. If you have any questions regarding the information included or the requirements for the use of the First Parish facilities, please contact the Parish Administrator at 781-259-8118 ext.10 or

NOTE: This packet applies to all events that are not being held in conjunction with a wedding ceremony, baptism, or memorial service taking place at the First Parish in Lincoln. If you are planning a reception following a ceremony or service, please contact the church office for the appropriate packet.


Use of the First Parish facilities is restricted to activities deemed suitable to the buildings and consistent with the policies of The First Parish in Lincoln, and in the case of the kitchens, consistent with the Massachusetts Food Safety Laws and local Board of Health requirements.

Social gatherings, other than those connected to a church event (i.e., wedding reception) are generally not permitted. However, any church member or area-based non-profit group wishing to hold a social event, may apply for special approval from the Parish Committee. A letter explaining the reason(s) for the event and for requesting approval should accompany the completed and signed rental application and must be submitted at least two months in advance.

Organizations and business using church space must provide proof of liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance for all staff. Please ask that your insurance company forward the certificates listing The First Parish in Lincoln, 14 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 0773 as additional insured.

All events that involve more than 25 people, and those with fewer than 25 that include a full meal set-up, require the services of the Sexton, and a minimum fee will be charged according to the fee schedule. The Sexton’s duties will include pre-event furniture set-up, monitoring during the event, and break down and cleaning following the event. For events held on Sundays or state observed holidays, the Sexton will be paid one and one-half times the normal fee. If the initial payment for the Sexton’s services does not cover the total hours needed, an invoice will be sent for the balance with payment due upon receipt.

Events for groups of less than 25 people with no meal service are not required to hire the Sexton. The group will be responsible for returning all furniture to its original arrangement, ensuring restrooms are left neat and tidy, performing any necessary cleaning tasks within any rooms used, turning off all lights, and locking all windows and doors upon departure. There will be a cleaning deposit required which will be returned if the facilities are left in satisfactory condition. If additional cleaning is required following an event, the deposit will be forfeited to cover the cost of the cleaning.

The individual or organization securing the facilities is responsible for the behavior and well- being of all attendees, and for ensuring that only the rented spaces are used during the event. If additional rooms are used, an invoice for the space and any additional cleaning will be issued.

The church parking lot allows off-street parking for approximately 50 vehicles. If your event will involve more than 50 vehicles, you will be responsible for ensuring that all your guests are directed to legal on-street parking. The church will not be responsible for any vehicles parked illegally, ticketed, or towed during your event. If you have any questions about legal parking areas or wish to discuss the hiring of a Detail Officer to handle traffic control, call the Lincoln Police Department at 781-259-8113.

Any unanticipated costs and expenses imposed on First Parish and arising out of the event (e.g., response cost for unnecessary triggering of the fire alarm), shall be promptly paid by the host upon invoicing by the First Parish in Lincoln.

Repair of any damage to property as determined by The First Parish shall be charged to the individual or organization named on the rental application. This will include, but not be limited to, damage to surfaces sustained by the use of thumbtacks, nails, and tape for attaching decoration.

Approval of the Parish Committee must be requested, in advance and in writing, for the service of wine, sherry, champagne and/or beer in conjunction with any event. No other alcoholic beverages are permitted. The exchange of cash, tickets or tokens for alcohol is not permitted. All alcohol must be served by certified and insured personnel. If you would like to serve alcohol, please review the Food and Bartending Plolicies then send a letter requesting approval to the Parish Committee, First Parish in Lincoln, PO Box 6218, Lincoln, MA 01773-6218, or Please allow three weeks for the review of your request.

A Detail Officer must be hired and present for the entire event if alcohol will be served. To hire an officer, please contact the Lincoln Police Department at 781-259-8113.

If you would like to inquire about serving food at your event, please also review the Food and Bartending Plolicies, which include the Mass. Food Safety Law requirements for caterers. Regardless of whether a caterer is hired, or the event is self-catered, all requirements outlined in the policies must be met before the preparation or service of food at your event will be considered for approval by First Parish and the local Board of Health.

Smoking is absolutely prohibited within any building or within 25 feet of any door or window. Anyone smoking outside the building is responsible for appropriate disposal of smoking materials.

The reqested event start time will be the time you have access to the facility, including setting-up and decorating. All equipment and decorations must be removed from the premises no later than one hour after the event ends.

In consideration of our location in a residential area, all evening events must end by 11 p.m. and the building and property must be cleared of all attendees as quietly and quickly as possible.

All trash and recyclables generated must be taken away by the either the event host or their designated representative immediately following the event. First Parish will provide trash bags.

Use of the Church’s telephones, copying equipment and office supplies is prohibited. The telephone may be used only in the event of an emergency.

Reservations for all facilities must be made in advance by written application (see forms). Applications must be returned to the Church Office for coordination with regularly scheduled church activities.

All fees are due together with the signed Agreement Form. A reservation will not be considered confirmed until the form and all fees have been received by the First Parish.

All keys borrowed must be returned to the church office at the end of the function.

For single, one-time events, the facilities must be rented in blocks of four hours. Reduced rates are available for on-going events which are defined as six or more dates per calendar period (three yearly periods are defined as January through June, July & August, September through December) which are reserved and paid for prior to the first date in each period. Please contact the church office to inquire about a continuous rental.

A facility fee waiver may be requested for the following where there are 25 or fewer people attending (Sexton fee or cleaning deposit will still apply):

  • An Active Member of First Parish wishing to bring people together for a one-time, non-profit religious or educational event, or for a single meeting of a support group.
  • An Active Member of First Parish representing a Lincoln non-profit community group wishing to hold a one-time only meeting or gathering.

It is expected that the church member requesting the space for a meeting or gathering as outlined above will be present throughout the entire event, will personally sign all building use agreement forms, will be responsible for ensuring that all policies are abided by, and will be responsible for any additional costs incurred as a result of the event. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact the Church Office.