The First Parish in Lincoln Youth Programs Committee is organizing an opportunity for children and families to acknowledge the death toll war takes on innocent children, specifically in Gaza and Israel. 

Families, along with their children, are invited to create a bird in memory of a child who has died in Gaza through a project called, Birds of Gaza, Families are also welcome to create a bird in memory of a child lost in Israel.

Craft kits with various art supplies to create a bird(s) will be available for pick-up beginning Wednesday, February 28th outside the side door of the Stone Church (14 Bedford Rd). Birds can be fashioned out of any medium you choose – clay, paper, etc – feel free to use your own materials as well.

The Youth Programs Committee is hosting an interfaith candlelight vigil for all children lost in both the Palestinian and Israeli communities on Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm outside the sanctuary (4 Bedford Rd). Children are asked to bring the birds they created and are welcome to say the name of the child they created the bird in honor of – A short prayer will be offered at the vigil that is appropriate for all ages.

In advance of our vigil, First Parish is offering a conversation for parents on Monday, March 4th at 7:30pm at The Tack Room, “Talking with your Kids about Current Events” –

Please contact the Youth Programs Committee Chairs with any questions,

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