It is unanimous! The members attending the Special Congregational Meeting on May 22 unanimously voted in favor of calling Reverends Kit and Nate, co-Ministers to serve as FPL’s next settled ministers. Reverends Nate and Kit will start on August 1. The Ministerial Launch Team will be preparing the congregation to welcome them. As excited as we are to begin our shared ministry, please remember that their Call begins on August 1, and not before. If you have an urgent matter prior to August 1st, please contact Sarah Klockowski (after Jenny departs) for pastoral matters and Chris Andrysiak (Parish Committee) for all other matters.

The Search Committee is grateful to the congregation for your support and engagement through the years of Transition and this past year of Search. We are grateful to the Parish Committee and Moderator for their leadership of the Special Congregational Meeting. And we are grateful to everyone who brought and ate cake in celebration of Reverend Kit and Nate.

–  Ministerial Search Committee (Sarah Andrysiak, Janet Boynton, Larry Buell, Tom DeNormandie, Deanna Elineema, Heather Ring and Katy Walker)

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