A is for All Saints & All Souls

After the pumpkins have gone soft and the candy bowl has been emptied, we will be left in an in-between time. Early November is an important, liminal time of year for many spiritual traditions, as the days darken. The name “Halloween,” after all, comes from “All Hallows’ Eve,” followed by the celebrations of All Saints’ (Nov 1) and All Souls (Nov 2) Days, a trio of sacred remembrance sometimes collectively referred to as “Allhallowtide.” Many people of Mexican heritage celebrate Dia de los Muertos, “The Day of the Dead,” a sensory-rich, artful honoring of loved ones who have died. At First Parish this Sunday, we will honor our own dearly departed with candle light and prayer.

Of course, the other liminal space we’re all living in is awaiting Election Day… “Allelectiontide,” if you will. And the levels of division and anxiety may feel just as ghoulish. No matter what happens on Election Day, it is very possible we may enter another liminal time, perhaps an extended one, as election results are processed.

As we move through these days, may we remain centered in the spiritual values that unite us and energize us. May we lean into the local commitments that transcend national political drama. May we remember that no one person is all saint or all sinner. May we remember the gift of every soul, and exercise the right of every vote. May we pray.

See you in church,
Kit and Nate

Did You Know?

  • We launched our new Spiritual Royalties Fund to great success this past Sunday, raising $2,266.02 in the first week. Our ongoing donations towards the Spirituals Royalties Fund are given this year to Hamilton-Garrett Academy for Music and Arts in Roxbury, MA that is committed to the development of Boston’s next generation of innovative artists through the celebration and preservation of Black music.
  • Two of our new small groups that had their first meeting this week. Thanks to Alida Zweidler-McKay and Margaret Olson for leading these two groups!
  • We have 20 Partakers mentors who continue to visit their college mentee inmates. We are always looking for more. Talk to Nate Klug or Paula Waterman if you are interested in becoming a mentor.

Women Mystics

February 25 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Atheists & Other Seekers

February 27 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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