November 2022: M is for Momentum

Dear Friends,

It’s been such a delight for us to spend time with more and more of you – individual visits over coffee, quick hellos and check-ins after worship and committee meetings. Please do keep wearing your nametags when possible (for the sake of visitors as well as your new co-ministers). And if we haven’t managed to connect with each other yet, consider reaching out to us via email!

The famous “first 90 days” of our ministry have been full of learning and laughter. Thanks to the Launch Team, our newly formed Ministerial Advisory Councils, and, most of all, the goodwill of so many of you, now we are settling in and starting to build some momentum.

Open up your bulletins, or scroll the online calendar, and you can see the diverse array of programming First Parish provides throughout the month. Speaking of momentum, we will be offering a New Members Class, for anyone who is curious about what it means to join First Parish, after church on November 6. We’re planning to hold a New Member Joining on November 20, with a “Gather Together” celebratory brunch after worship.

First Parish’s worship theme for most of November will be “Simple Gifts.” One way a church keeps momentum going – once the excitement of new ministers has worn off (which it will eventually!) – is by identifying and encouraging one another’s gifts. We’ve seen enough of First Parish already to know that the diversity of experiences and abundance of talents in this congregation is astounding. How do we make use of this, so that our deep gladness might meet the world’s deep hunger in as many ways as possible?

With that in mind, we wanted to invite you to fill out the attached form, Sharing Your Gifts. If you are a relative newcomer, a worshipper returning after some time away, or simply someone who has something to give that we might not be aware of, this form is especially for you.

Momentum builds through commitment far more than through charisma. As the Shaker hymn “Simple Gifts” puts it: “And when we find ourselves in the place just right,/ ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.” We’re so excited to be on this journey together.

With love and gratitude,
Nate & Kit

Our Weekly Schedules and Getting to Know You

As Co-Ministers, Kit and Nate each work half-time, sharing one full-time role. Beginning this month, Kit will be off on Fridays, and Nate will be off on Mondays and Thursdays. During these days away from FPL work, we will be taking care of other responsibilities, including writing and teaching for Nate.

We want to make it a priority over our first few months to visit with as many of you as possible! We’d love to set up a conversation with you and one of us over coffee, in our newly renovated church offices, or at your home. We’re often in the offices, so sometimes it works to drop by, but the best way to set up a time for a visit is to email us at and You may hear from one of us as well!

Theology on Tap | Seeking…

September 23 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Atheists & Other Seekers

October 3 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

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