S is for Second Wind

Dear friends,

A few weeks ago, our family caught some of the Boston Marathon on TV. As Tucker Smith mentioned in church recently, a marathon is a great metaphor to describe so much of what goes on here at First Parish — from the May Market to Holy Week to committee work. A whole bunch of preparation behind the scenes, a few big moments of public fanfare and excitement, and hopefully some long-lasting good.

It’s also worth reflecting that, as the story goes at least, the very first marathon did not exactly end well for the runner! The Greek herald Pheidippides raced 25 miles from Marathon to Athens to deliver good news about a battle… and promptly collapsed. So while marathons of all kinds are feats of energy and endurance that bring people together, there’s a risk too. A risk of burnout. Of feeling taken for granted. Of wondering why isn’t my neighbor going at the same speed as me?

Needless to say, these dynamics can happen in a church. Especially a church that is experiencing new growth and excitement. As we move towards the finish line of our summer break this year, check in with yourself. If you’re feeling on the verge of burn out, take a few days off. Let an email go unanswered. If you are feeling energized, pitch in. Offer to take care of something you might normally leave to someone else.

May we all find our second wind somewhere in these next few weeks. And in the midst of potlucks, Trans/Non-Binary Forums, Food For Thought dinners, Celtic concerts, and game and craft nights, may we keep our eyes on our collective purpose: to promote spiritual growth and connection, to build community, to pursue social justice and human dignity, and to preserve the living earth. All that is certainly worth going the extra mile for.

We are so happy to be your ministers.

With love,
Nate & Kit

PS – thanks to everyone who has reached out with good wishes! You can read our announcement about Baby #3 here.

Installation for Co-Ministers Rev. Kit Novotny and Rev. Nate Klug
Sunday, June 11 at 4 pm

The Installation is the worship celebration of the covenant between First Parish in Lincoln, Kit and Nate, and the wider church (represented by leaders from the Metropolitan Boston Association of the United Church of Christ and the New England Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association). An installation is the formal recognition of the relationships we have all already begun to build in this new ministry, as well as a reminder of our covenantal bonds to the wider church.

Local ministers and other leaders from the community will be invited, as well as Nate’s and Kit’s home congregation in Wellesley Hills. The service will feature joyful music, poetry, and a reflection from Rev. Jill Edens, a mentor to Kit and Nate (and a member of a co-ministry clergy couple herself). Following the service, all are invited to a reception with delicious cake in the Stearns Room. Child care will be provided on request (please confirm with Lora@fplincoln.org).

“Happy to Have You” Hour

January 27 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

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