February 5, 2021

The Town has received confirmation from the State that we shall be receiving 100 doses of vaccine early next week. As a result, the Town is moving forward with its plans to host the first of what we hope will be weekly local vaccination clinics. We will start with our oldest population group and work our way back in groups of 100.

  • Our first clinic will be held next Thursday, February 11th; the second clinic will follow one week later on Thursday, February 18th.  Both clinics will run from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Lincoln North Office Complex located at 55 Old Bedford Road off Hanscom Drive and Route 2A in north Lincoln.
  • Registration for these first two clinics will be open to Lincoln residents who were born in 1935 or before. If you do not qualify for the clinic, but are aged 75+, please continue to the bottom of this message for updated information on how to register for a vaccine.
  • If you were born in 1935 or before, you may register for the town clinic by calling our Call Center (781) 214-1147:
    • Monday, February 8th between the hours of 12-4 and 
    • Tuesday, Feb 9th between the hours of 10-12. 
    • After Tuesday, Feb 9th at noon, you may call the Council on Aging at 781-259-8811.
  • Based on our town census data, we expect to be able vaccinate all residents in the 85+ age category during these first two clinics. We ask for patience during the enrollment process. We WILL register everyone in this age group, you will not be turned away. The Call Center number may be busy when you call.  Please call back often until you are able to speak with an operator.  
  • We ask that you have your insurance card and email address available when you call. If you do not have insurance you can still receive the vaccine, which is free for everyone.
  • If you have specific questions about these plans, please contact the Council on Aging at 781-259-8811
  • Updated information about our clinics is available on the Town’s website:
  • Residents closer to the 65+ age group, are strongly urged to continue to seek out other options as it may be several weeks or even months before the supply of vaccine increases sufficiently to meet our needs.

The below information is for residents aged 75+ that do not qualify for the Lincoln clinic at this time.

The State has just announced the opening of a COVID-19 vaccine registration phone number. Eligible seniors can call 2-1-1 and will be able to get through to a human being who can help them register.  Representatives are available in English and Spanish, Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM.

Of course, there is still going to be high demand for the vaccine and there may not be enough appointments immediately. If no appointments are available, eligible applicants will be able to be placed on a call back list and receive a call when an appointment becomes available.

Eligible seniors can still use the online application as well, which is still the recommended method of registering.

Please note, due to the high demand for appointments and limited vaccine supply, it may take weeks to secure an available appointment.

Call 2-1-1 and follow prompts to reach The Massachusetts Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line.

Hours of Operations:
Monday to Friday
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

The quickest and easiest way to schedule a vaccine appointment or check availability is still to use the online system at

We wanted to also share that there are significant number (~30,000) of appointments available at three of the mass vaccination sites. Please click the link below to check availability.

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