FPL Green

FPL Green is a coming together of First Parish members deeply concerned about the climate crisis and dedicated to doing something about it. We have organized our mission to address three general areas where we believe the FPL congregation can have an impact – Green Church, Green Lives, and Green World. In each of these areas we develop specific initiatives to be carried out by the group. Recent initiatives have included installing solar panels on the Parish House, promoting programs to the congregation for switching to electric vehicles and renewable wind power, with future work looking to place a greater emphasis on climate justice.
FPL Green has about 20 members and meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Stearns Room (4 Bedford Road, across from Lincoln Library). For more information please contact Tom Walker (fplgreen@fplincoln.org).
WATCH NOW: The Forum | Stop Private Jet Expansion
THE FORUM | STOP PRIVATE JET EXPANSION Recorded on Sunday, March 3, 2024 Hear the latest updates about the proposed Hanscom private [...]
Conservation Agriculture
By David O'Neil Could a single idea embraced globally make a major contribution toward avoiding catastrophic climate change, while at the same time [...]

Past FPL Green Events
Follow up on some of our recent FPL Green Events hosted in partnership with a number of local organizations such as Mothers Out Front, Conservation Law Foundation, Green Energy Consumers Alliance and more! Here you’ll find reports on our events with links to take action on what we have learned through our talks and workshops.
Green Church, Green Lives, Green World Initiatives
Over the past two years we have been working with local organizations to educate and activate our Lincoln and surrounding communities on these vital issues. Click through the following links to learn about what we’ve been up to and what YOU can do to make a difference on climate change.

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