May Market
April 12 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday, April 12th is our beloved May Market Trash and Treasures Sale.
Sunday, April 6th after church is the Basement Brigade (volunteers help move donations from the Parish House basement, up to the Auditorium).
All hands on deck needed to help with our famous rummage sale where you will always find what you didn’t know you needed. Kind of like the Touch of Christmas Fair … but on steroids. We will need quality donations of the following so start your spring cleaning now:
- jewelry
- antiques
- small scale furniture
- housewares
- art of all kids
- No books or clothing
Please ask yourself before donating, “Will someone pay at least $5 for this?” as we need more quality than quantity.
Most items left will be donated to Household Goods in Acton.
For more information contact Tucker Smith.
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