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The Installation is the worship celebration of the covenant between First Parish in Lincoln, Kit and Nate, and the wider church (represented by leaders from the Metropolitan Boston Association of the United Church of Christ and the New England Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association). An installation is the formal recognition of the relationships we have all already begun to build in this new ministry, as well as a reminder of our covenantal bonds to the wider church.

Local ministers and other leaders from the community will be invited, as well as Nate’s and Kit’s home congregation in Wellesley Hills. The service will feature joyful music, poetry, and a reflection from Rev. Jill Edens, a mentor to Kit and Nate (and a member of a co-ministry clergy couple herself). Following the service, all are invited to a reception featuring delicious cake in the Stearns Room and outside (weather permitting). Child care will be provided on request (please confirm with Lora@fplincoln.org).

More cake, please!
At Kit and Nate’s upcoming Installation service (Sunday, June 11, 4:00 p.m.!), the Reception following will require a LOT of cakes from our parishioners! If you haven’t already done so, please consider making your favorite cake for the celebration and sign up with the link below! You may drop off your cake that day (i) just before regular church service (10 a.m.) OR (ii) just before the Installation service (4 p.m.).  Thank you!  Here’s the sign-up: CLICK HERE!