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New “Caring Companions” Pilot Ministry:

Sundays January 12 (Introductory Forum, 11:30am)

And 2 Trainings:  February 2 and March 2 (3-5pm)

Companioning one another spiritually is one of the most important ministries of a faith community. It’s often referred to as “Pastoral Care,” which might imply that the Pastor should do all of the care. But ministry in congregations is meant to be shared between ordained and lay leaders. The art and practice of active listening, and shared prayer or silence can be a deeply meaningful mutual experience, during life’s ups, downs and transitions.

In that spirit, we are hoping to launch a new initiative of Caring Companionship to be piloted in Winter-Spring 2025, in hopes of developing mutual relationships of support in our congregation. This pilot is being spearheaded by Rev. Kit, in collaboration with the Care Committee, as a potential addition to the already wonderful spectrum of care being provided to/by our community, from cards to meals by the Caring Cooks and beyond.

If you are interested in learning more about spiritual companionship and potentially being trained to support these (and/or other) Caring ministries through First Parish (and/or if you are interested in opportunities to be matched with / receive ongoing support and connection), please email Kit at kit@fplincoln.org, and save the dates for the following (all held in the Stearns Room):

  • Sunday January 12, 11:30am, THE FORUM: Intro to Caring Companions: Learn about the scope of our Care Committee’s current ministry, and an overview of the proposed Companionship pilot model. We hope to have a guest joining us from First Parish in Sherborn to share a bit about their Lay Pastoral Care Ministry.

And the following afternoons are being held for Companionship Trainings (attendance at both is required – alternate dates possible depending on interest/availability). RSVP by Jan 29th to Rev. Kit.

  • Sunday February 2, 3-5PM: The Art of Listening & Ground Rules
  • Sunday March 2, 3-5PM:  Spiritual Support & Prayer

Additional online training via the UUA (Spiritual Care Training for Congregational Leaders) will also be required, as will check-in meetings with Rev. Kit, approximately monthly during the pilot period of Feb-May 2025.

Questions? Please be in touch with Kit.