Officers & Committees




Treasurer John Kryzwicki
Assistant Treasurer Lucy Sachs  
Clerk Diana Smith  
Moderator Barbara Sampson  

Committee Meetings

Parish Committee

Responsible for the overall management of the church, Parish Committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting and serve three-year terms. To bring concerns to the committee, contact the Parish Committee chair.

Dwight Gertz, chair (
Chris Andrysiak
Sarah Cannon Holden
David Elmes
Peter Hussey
Jackie Lenth
Tom Mielke
Jennie Morris
Jane O’Rourke

Board of Deacons

The ten-member board of Deacons serves the spiritual interests of the church. Deacons work with lay leaders and ushers in preparing services, welcoming new members, overseeing the Lenten booklet, providing guest Ministers and speakers, and planning summer services. Deacons are elected at the Annual Meeting and serve three-year terms.

Andrew Clark, chair (
Sarah Andrysiak
Larry Buell
Judy Casarella
Doug Crosby
Dave Elliott
Katy Hogue
Barbara O’Neil
Rosaline Salifu
Mary Jo Velig




Adult Programs

Works with Ministerial staff and church committees to develop classes, workshops, and discussions with a focus on spiritual, religious and moral topics. Also supports Small Groups, Book Groups, and Antiracism efforts.


Care Committee

Provides care to any parish member seeking comfort, strength, or connection during times of illness, major life transitions, or not being able to get to church. This can include cooking meals, singing with the By Your Side Singers, sending cards, or visiting those in need.

Kim Buell

Facilities Committee

The church buildings and grounds are managed and maintained under the direction of the Facilities Committee, appointed by the Parish Committee.

Thornton Ring  

Flower Committee

Flowers in the sanctuary are often given by parishioners in memory of loved ones or to commemorate special events. This is facilitated by the Flower Committee.

Nancy Henderson

FPL Green

Promotes programs and initiatives aimed at addressing the climate crisis and cherishing the living earth


Generous Giving Committee

Generous Giving Committee is responsible for designing the plans and executing the processes needed to ensure that financial support from the congregation is available to provide for the operation and mission of First Parish.

Sarah Andrysiak

Hospitality Committee

Provides light refreshments for the “Coffee Hour” after church each Sunday. A two person Team commits to one Sunday each month (September-June). “Extras” are frequently needed to provide extra cookies or help with holidays!

Jane O’Rourke

May Market

A “trash and treasure” sale takes place in the spring of every other year and is run by a number of volunteers. Donated items are collected throughout the year and stored until the day of the sale.

Tucker Smith

Music Committee

The Music Committee works with the choir director to help create and direct musical programs, and is responsible for the choir and musical instruments.

Joan Mansfield

Nominating Committee

Composed of six elected members, the committee nominates candidates for the Parish Committee, Board of Deacons, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Moderator, and Clerk.

Linn Parrish Elmes

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee exists to research, donate to and partner with outside organizations that serve the needy and promote social and environmental justice, to administer the annual Jean Wood Preston Endowment grants, to sponsor congregation-wide activities and events to promote peace and justice, and to oversee the formation and sustainability of Faith in Action groups within the church.

Ralph Smith

Personnel Committee

Assists the Parish Committee and Minister with employee related matters, maintains and fulfills the personnel policies, is appointed by the Parish Committee.

Carrie Marotta

Racial Justice Advocates

Facilitates conversations and actions that promote racial justice in our congregation and our wider communities.

Mary Helen Lorenz

Welcoming Committee

Reaches out to new members, helps them integrate into the community and provides social events. Join to help meet and greet new First Parish members!

Tucker Smith, Mary Stechschulte

Youth Programs Committee

This committee works with the Director of Religious Education to oversee the RE program and recruit volunteers. It also assists in the planning of events for children and families such as the Advent Workshop, Christmas Pageant, Celebration Sunday, and more!

Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Kelly
  • September 30, 2023

  • May 1, 2023

  • February 7, 2023